Sunday, January 23, 2011


Floods are still rising everywhere and the country is still reeling of the aftermath of the tragedy of Queensland.  The ingenuity and generousity of clever bloggers amazes me.  I have entered a few flood auctions and donated to those that are helping out.  I do wish I was a bit more crafty to make those softies.  I am reminded of the previous devastation of the Victorian fires 2 years ago.

Here at our house we are still wrangling a bub coughing his little heart out from whooping cough.  It has put our sleep routine and feeding aspirations on hold for awhile.  Before he became sick I was really wanting to stop feeding overnight and gradually winding so many feeds during the day.  It is such a bind.  He loves to breast feed so much.  For the last 13 months I have been there for him, when he wanted it he got it.  Half of me wants to go with the flow, continue and just see when he is ready himself.  I am not saying weaning him completely at this stage, just to feed him less and for me to be a bit more, well, like I can have a bit more of me back.

My aim is to be loving and kind hearted as possible.  Would like to know how other Mother's have approached this and what has worked for them.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Hi Jillian,
Poor little fellow, slowly , slowly getting better though. Feed him whilst he's sick, he needs the security, comfort and nutrients but other than that it's not an option any more. 13 months is a wonderful start to his life but at this stage now he is not about Che, it's about keeping Che's mum happy, healthy, rested and not pulled here and there, there is not the need as before to feed and we all move on in parenting, it's a transition, like our lives. The tantrum issue is easily resolved, be lovingly firm, distract his attention quickly, move out into the garden, fill up a water tub and splash together (yes, I know, mess)Try not to say 'no' give him different explanations.
And always remember, you're doing a great job!